Last minute participation could be concidered the decision of Giuseppe to risk and visit our country for supporting the purpose of SKYRTHALIA project.
EUROSUD: Short presentation of the supporting Organization
Being one of the perspective growing NGOs in our region Puglia and promoting youth initiatives in our city Bari and neighborhood, we deeply recognize the responsibility towards the development of future. In this regard, we see the importance of connecting youth with different backgrounds together, promoting dialogue between different groups of people and helping to develop an independent, progressive and upgraded civil society. EUROSUD is interested and open to receive international volunteers: it is always an enrichment to work with young people who arrive with different ideas and ways of working from another country, especially if the volunteer has some previous experience in the projects organized in the framework of our organisation.
The aim of the organization is to facilitate the European integration, and promote the knowledge of the European culture among the young people, in particular, and of all the citizens, in general. We aim to improve the quality of life of people in our town and the region of Puglia, as well to foster social inclusion and civic activism. Our goals are also to develop cultural, democratic, social and ecological conscience among youth, to encourage cooperation of young people with different interests and activities, and to increase influence of young people on the local community. Also, the main aim of our association is to foster youth participation of young people in civil society, to bring social changes, development and improvement of society where we live, using different tools and mainly focused on youth field. We aim to educate young people in order to give them opportunity to spread everything they have learned and to encourage them to become actively involved in the life of their community. We aim to educate young people in mentioned areas in order to give them opportunity to spread everything they have learned and to encourage them to become actively involved in the life of their community. EUROSUD promotes international mobility projects in order to study and work abroad, with the aim of enhancing the professional and linguistic skills and promoting greater integration into the global job market.
EUROSUD wants to improve the knowledge of European labour system as well, encouraging multilingualism, multicultural dialogue and business creativity.
In this way, the target group of the organization is composed of young people and their parents, youth leaders, youth workers interested in activities of the network, independently of their educational,social, cultural, ethnical, physical and other background.
The activities offered to them are based on the approaches of non-formal education, experiential and intercultural learning, social inclusion and active participation. The activities include but are not limited to: networking and cooperation; educational projects of different types (e.g. training courses,seminars, round tables, debates, workshops and conferences); awareness raising and policy development; capacity building of youth organisations and organisations/institutions working with young people and youth workers; coaching of initiatives, organisational and individual coaching;personal and professional development; mobility. For example, our main topics are about activism,education, promotion and exchange regarding human rights, development of local, regional,European and international cooperation.For these purposes, the organization EUROSUD is formed by a group of people who believe that
with lifelong education and good communication you can achieve the necessary changes for stronger democracy and improvement of our society. Boarding members and volunteers in EUROSUD participated in several European activities, such as youth debates, workshops, exchanges, trainings and seminars within the Youth in Action and ERASMUS + Programme. The main aim of our association is to foster youth participation of young people in civil society, to bring social changes,development and improvement of society where we live, using different tools and mainly focused on youth field. We have been engaged in different youth activities as volunteers and during this period we have gained a lot of experience, increasing our knowledge with a direct impact on our personal and social development.